VoiceThread Docs / Mobile App / Commenting / How to comment

Recording a comment on a VoiceThread is quick and easy. Just navigate to the slide on which you want to record a comment, and then tap the comment button at the bottom of the VoiceThread.

Screenshot of the commenting options


Screenshot of the text comment button
  1. Tap on the “ABC” icon.
  2. Enter your text.
  3. Save.

Audio using your microphone

Screenshot of the microphone comment button
  1. Tap on the microphone icon.
  2. Grant VoiceThread access to your microphone if prompted.
  3. After the countdown is complete, begin speaking. You can also doodle as you speak.
  4. Tap the red button at the bottom of the screen to stop recording.
  5. The comment will begin playing back so you can review it. Tap “Save” to save it or the “X” button to discard it.

Video using your camera

Screenshot of the camera comment button
  1. Tap on the camera icon.
  2. Grant VoiceThread access to your camera if prompted.
  3. After the countdown is complete, begin speaking. You can also doodle as you speak.
  4. Tap the red button at the bottom of the screen to stop recording.
  5. The comment will begin playing back so you can review it. Tap “Save” to save it or the “X” button to discard it.

Audio or video by file upload

Screenshot of the upload comment button
  1. Tap on the file upload icon.
  2. Browse for and select the audio or video file you would like to upload.
  3. Wait for the file to upload and process. You can tell it’s complete because the spinning wheel over your identity image will disappear.

Replying to another comment

  1. Tap on the comment you want to reply to.
  2. Tap on the reply button.
  3. Proceed with recording a comment normally.
Screenshot of the reply comment buttons

Learn more about both reply options here: